FIFA Game On St. Paul’s

Dunedin City Council


Transforming a Dunedin icon into a football pinball machine.

As a host city for the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™, Ōtepoti Dunedin tasked Storybox with transforming a towering Octagon landmark into something special for the FIFA Fan Festival.

With its many windows and complex shape, St Paul’s Cathedral is a tricky canvas for storytelling. Storybox’s solution: bring colour, excitement, fun and competition to the Octagon by transforming it into a massive madcap pinball machine!  

To celebrate and empower women, the team worked with prominent female artists from around the region and wider motu to build four unique pinball game ‘skins’. These swapped out regularly, so every time people looked, St Paul’s looked wildly different. A rich soundtrack underpinned the experience adding energy and holding the diverse art styles together. 

Game On St Paul’s was just one part of a series of public installations created by Storybox in for the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™ in Ōtepoti Dunedin. This included light shows, wayfinding, and digital exhibition spaces. The Storybox team also created a second series of FIFA Women’s World Cup™ installations in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington.

Artwork by Kimi Moana Whiting, Devon Smith, Becca O’Shea and Josie Mason.

Photos by Erin Isaacs, Acorn Studio
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