Here & Now

Highwater Eatery


Here and Now was a collaborative installation produced with Highwater Eatery for Visa Wellington On A Plate. We developed a distinctive visual display within the restaurant that explored themes of flavour, locality and temporality. 

The projected visuals followed a narrative that accompanied the carefully curated set menu. Each phase is related to a different stage in the preparation of the meal - from the gathering of ingredients, to the cooking process and finally the plating - mirroring the progression of individual ingredients combining to form a cohesive meal.

To begin with, randomly generated text streams of key ingredients were displayed, before the text slowly transformed into brightly coloured dots. Over the course of an hour, these dots then melded together to form a swirling river of colour. Finally, the swirling colours formed hypnotic mandalas which bloomed in and out of existence throughout the final course. 

The subtle visuals were designed to tantalise but not overwhelm the senses, adding to the ambiance of the space and complimenting the architecture of the dining room. We applied the same visual framework to the distinctive menu design, creating ​​a fully immersive dining experience worthy of the culinary delights on offer.

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