Inner Wilds

Performance Arcade


‘What If The City Was A Theatre?’ was a vibrant celebration of art in Aotearoa that encouraged audiences to rethink the limits of public space. Our ephemeral contribution, Inner Wilds, turned the Wellington’s classic Opera House building inside out - exposing the world to the infinite creative history and potential housed within the iconic establishment. 

Presented by The Performance Arcade in February 2021, the city-wide programme of art and performance utilized Wellington’s streets, landmarks and iconic buildings as the unlikely settings for a variety of boundary-pushing installations. For our innovative audiovisual experience, we remixed archival imagery of eccentric performers from the theatre's past, accompanied by an inventive soundtrack from Will Rickets.

Through imaginative projection mapping, the building’s rigid facade was contrasted against the dreamlike whimsy found within. For ten nights, Inner Wilds unleashed the spirit of the Opera House and the artists who have graced its stage directly onto the streets of Wellington.

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