Our Climate Future

Ministry for the Environment


Our Climate Future was an interactive and immersive public installation for the Ministry for the Environment, outlining key aspects of the Our Climate Our Future report. We designed a touring pop-up exhibition and information kiosk that educated and encouraged the public to help fight climate change.

The mobile structure we designed had to be compact, transportable, interactive, engaging and most importantly, sustainable. To align with the ethos of environmental protection and sustainability, we built a structure made from sustainably grown and produced ECOPLY.

The visual tone of the installation was informed by the rugged beauty of Aotearoa’s natural environment. We developed visually stimulating graphic panels, videos and interactive touch screens to highlight key ideas from the report, making the information as accessible as possible for the general public. As people moved through the exhibition, they developed a deeper understanding of the crisis we are facing and the steps they can take to help save the planet.

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