Semi Permanent Conference

Semi Permanent


Semi Permanent brings together internationally renowned designers, artists and creative icons for live events, presentations, and workshops. In 2022 they came to Wellington and we collaborated with them to make this event.

Our graphic designer and illustrator Kimi Moana Whiting and animator Moretekorohunga Lloyd put their creative heads together to create a beautiful animated backdrop for the opening karakia. Inspired by Māori pattern work and symbols, the video told the story of New Zealand coming together harmoniously.

Alongside the video we were asked to design the structures and layout of the spaces. We needed to transform the space for the event in a way that allowed for a fast pack in and out, while taking care to be sustainable. The end result turned into a deconstructed construction site. Scaffolding, canvas and wood completely transformed the St James into a new space for three days and all the materials were reused at the end of the event.

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