This or That

Horowhenua District Council


This or That is one of our favourite activations. We made the first This or That several years ago for Manawatu Heritage and were overjoyed when we got the opportunity to bring the concept back for the Kete Horowhenua photo archive.

This or That is an adorable little kiosk that people can use to explore archive photos. The touch screen gives you two options, for example goats OR trains, moustaches OR bicycles.  When you pick one it takes you to a collection of photos from the archive with that tag. 

It's such a cool way to explore old photos and dig deep into a photo archive. And when you uncover a treasure you can ‘like’ it to have the system send you digital copy by email. This or That is a concept that can be adapted to any digital image collections and we are keen to build more.

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