Wellington Bell Stories

Wellington City Council

Wellington’s War Memorial Carillon was completed in 1932 to commemorate the sacrifices of those who died during the First World War. The elegant instrument stands 51 metres tall and contains 74 precisely tuned bells, whose wistful tones regularly ring out over the city. Wellington City Council approached us to design an interactive touchscreen experience that would articulate the story of the Carillon and educate future generations of its illustrious history.

Originally, 49 bells were donated to the project from members of the public. Each bell bore an inscription and was dedicated to the memory of a different casualty, military unit, or specific battle from the First World War. Our touchscreen display, Wellington Bell Stories, tells the history of five of the original bells along with stories of the tower and it’s carillonists.

The interactive displays can be found in the foyer of the tower. They provide information regarding the donor of each bell, the person or group to whom the bell was dedicated, the story behind the bell’s name, and its physical dimensions, along with the original inscription and audio of the bell’s tune. We also produced a short video for social media, highlighting the majestic voice of the Carillon and the skillful musicianship of carillonist Timothy Hurd QSM.

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